
Digital X-ray
Digital X-ray technology allows to take multiple views at the same time and give much quicker results. Digital X-rays have a higher resolving capability than standard x-rays and help give us a more accurate diagnosis.

Thermography is the pictorial representation of the surface temperature of an object. It is a non-invasive technique that measures emitted heat. A medical thermogram represents the surface temperatures of skin, making thermography useful for the detection of inflammation. Although thermographic images measure only skin temperature, they also reflect alterations in the circulation of deeper tissues. This ability to assess inflammatory change non-invasively makes thermography an ideal imaging tool to aid in the diagnosis of certain lameness conditions in the horse.
Lameness is any alteration of the horse's gait. Such abnormalities can be caused by pain in the neck, withers, shoulders, back, loin, hips, legs, or feet. Identifying the source of the problem is essential to proper treatment.
Veterinarians have specific systems for performing examinations, depending on the reasons for the examination. However essential features of a thorough examination include:
The medical history of the horse
A visual appraisal of the horse at rest
Evaluation of the horse in motion
A thorough hands-on exam
Application of hoof testers to the feet
Joint flexion tests
Drug tests
Dr.Casey performs the following diagnostic tests in order to isolate the specific location and cause of lameness:
Diagnostic nerve and joint blocks
Ultrasound (Sonography)
Blood, synovial (joint) fluid, and tissue samples
Sports Medicine
Dr. Casey incorporates riding a horse as part of an examination, if necessary.
Some common problems of sport horses:
Degenerative Joint Disease
Navicular Disease
Traumatic Arthritis
Tendon and Ligament Injuries
Foot Problems

Diagnostic Riding Examinations/Evaluations
If warranted/needed, Dr. Casey incorporates riding a horse as part of an examination. With many years of experience as a rider, Dr. Casey has been able to detect and diagnose a problem that otherwise might be overlooked.

General Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Pre-Purchase Exams
Coggins Test
West Nile Virus
Equine Influenza
Equine Rhinopneumonitis
Encephalomyelitis (EEE) (WEE) (VEE)
Basic Dental Care
Castration Surgery
Dermatological Problems
Wound Treatment
Most general surgical procedures
Advanced surgical procedures for displacement of the soft pallet, entrapment of the epiglottis, paralysis of the recurrent laryngeal nerve ( roaring)
Dr. Casey is available to treat general medical and emergency problems on site. Call 301-785-5167