Fighting the Bit
Weight Loss
Lugging In or Out
Difficulty in Chewing
Inability to Eat
Tongue Lolling
Bit Chewing
Difficult to Guide While Riding
Head Tilt
Head Tossing
Head Shaking
Correcting Dental Problems:
Reduces and Eliminates Discomfort From Pain
Improves Athletic Performance
Improves Bit Accommodation, thus Better Steering
Improves Eating Efficiency
Caudal Hooks
Rostral Hooks
Enamel Points
Sheared Molar Table
Wave Complexes
Stepped Molars
Accentuated Transverse Ridges
Periodontal Pockets
Ventral Curvature (smile)
Dorsal Curvature (frown)
Offset or Diagonal Bite
Bone Spur
Wolf Teeth
Blind Wolf Tooth
Caudal Hooks
Dominant lower or upper last molar overhanging opposing molar

Rostral Hooks
Dominant upper front premolars overhang lower premolars.

Excessive height to lower front premolars.

Enamel Points
Sharp points that generally form on the outside of the upper molars and the inside of the lower molars.

Sheared Molar Table
Extreme angulation of chewing surface of molars

Wave Complexes
Molar arcade develops an uneven "wavelike" appearance generally involving many premolars and molars.

Stepped Molars
Molar arcade develops stepped-like appearance

Accentuated Transverse Ridges
Enlarged ridges that run across chewing surfaces of molars

Periodontal Pockets
Gum disease around tooth causing an area for feed to pocket

Caudal Hooks
Dominant lower or upper last molar overhanging opposing molar
Caudal Hooks
Dominant lower or upper last molar overhanging opposing molar

Advanced Equine Dentistry
Dental Care is more than just Floating a horse's teeth.
Dr Casey will travel around Maryland and bordering states to perform Equine Dentistry
Conditions that may be due to Dental Problems:
Fighting the Bit
Weight Loss
Lugging In or Out
Difficulty in Chewing
Inability to Eat
Tongue Lolling
Bit Chewing
Difficult to Guide While Riding
Head Tilt
Head Tossing
Head Shaking
Correcting Dental Problems:
Reduces and Eliminates Discomfort From Pain
Improves Athletic Performance
Improves Bit Accommodation, thus Better Steering
Improves Eating Efficiency
Caudal Hooks
Rostral Hooks
Enamel Points
Sheared Molar Table
Wave Complexes
Stepped Molars
Accentuated Transverse Ridges
Periodontal Pockets
Ventral Curvature (smile)
Dorsal Curvature (frown)
Offset or Diagonal Bite
Bone Spur
Wolf Teeth
Blind Wolf Tooth

- Equine Teeth Imperfections Molars -
Caudal Hooks
Dominant lower or upper last molar overhanging opposing molar

Rostral Hooks
Dominant upper front premolars overhang lower premolars.

Excessive height to lower front premolars.

Enamel Points
Sharp points that generally form on the outside of the upper molars and the inside of the lower molars.

Sheared Molar Table
Extreme angulation of chewing surface of molars

Wave Complexes
Molar arcade develops an uneven "wavelike" appearance generally involving many premolars and molars.

Stepped Molars
Molar arcade develops stepped-like appearance

Accentuated Transverse Ridges
Enlarged ridges that run across chewing surfaces of molars

Periodontal Pockets
Gum disease around tooth causing an area for feed to pocket

Space that occurs between two adjoining teeth.

- Equine Teeth Imperfections Incisors -
Upper incisors protrude in front of lower incisors.

Lower incisors protrude in front of upper incisors

Ventral Curvature (smile)
Outer corner lower incisors grow longer relative to outer corner upper incisors

Dorsal Curvature (frown)
Outer corner upper incisors grow longer relative to outer corner lower incisors.

Offset or Diagonal Bite
Upper incisors on one side of mouth are excessively long and lower incisors on opposite side are excessively long, causing incisors to meet on a diagon

Bone Spur
Mandibular periostitis or abnormal bony growth due to trauma

Wolf Teeth
Mandibular periostitis or abnormal bony growth due to trauma

Blind Wolf Tooth
Abnormal wolf tooth that does not break through gums.

Proper dental care is essential to your horse's health. Your horse will be more comfortable, utilize feed more efficiently, perform better and may even live longer.
Malocclusions, or the improper position and contact between teeth, lead to inefficient chewing, bit discomfort, excessive wear and premature loss of teeth. Many horses will not show symptoms of dental problems until it is too late. Horses experiencing oral pain will not perform up to their best abilities.
Complete oral exams every six months to one year and regular preventative dental care allow horses to live healthier and perform better.
Our goal is a happy healthy horse!
Dr. Casey is available to treat general medical and emergency problems on site. Call 301-785-5167